Friday, July 06, 2007

June Jam at The Jaunt

June 30 2007 Mike Ciul (Captain Mikee) hosted a night of improv music at The Jaunt. Participants were Evan Cairo (synthesizer), Captain Mikee (loops & toys), Charles Cohen (Buchla Music Easel), and George Korein (guitar).

4 Minutes (5.1 M)
Step It Up Duet (17.8 M)
Evan Melody 2 (1.4 M)
Streaming Video: June Jam Vid (3'40")

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My Usual Size (drone edit)

mp3 file: My Usual Size (drone edit) (7.6 M)
Supercollider file: (4K)

Something went wrong when I recorded this version back in October, but I just couldn't give up on it. So I decided to post it at last.